Stop Sniffles Before They Start: BNX MERV 13 Filter Captures Allergens & Dust

Maintaining clean air quality in your home is essential to your well-being and health. It can be a challenge to choose the best air filter out of the numerous available options. You should look no further than the BNX 20x20x1 MERV13 air filter, an American-made powerhouse that is a leader in both performance and sustainability.

BNX: Electrostatic Defense for cleaner air and lower Bills

This innovative air cleaner boasts a MERV rating of 13, and can capture 93% microscopic airborne particle sizes ranging from 3 to 10 micrometers. Imagine it removing contaminants like virus carriers, pollen, smoke and bacteria. The air quality in your house will be improved within the next 48 hours. BNX elevates the air quality to a whole new stage, creating an improved and healthier environment for your family.

More efficient filtration with lower energy costs

The BNX employs the most advanced electrostatic technology. Electrostatic filtration attracts air particles, which attract them towards the medium as if they were magnets. The filter media is able take in more pollutants and also has a lower air resistance. Less resistance means your HVAC system won’t need to exert as much effort to circulate air, which can result in lower energy bills. It’s good for your health as well as your wallet.

Fiberglass is now available: A green option for cleaner air.

BNX places sustainability above performance. Gone are the days of bulky fiberglass filters that cause the waste of landfills. The BNX filter utilizes a one-piece frame with a single-sided side that is made of recycled card. This decreases waste and pollution without compromising the strength or effectiveness of filters.

BNX: Complete air filtering solutions

What differentiates BNX different from other companies?

Comprehensive Protection: Captures an array of contaminants in the air including allergens, down to pet dander.

Enhanced Air Quality: Notice a significant improvement in the quality of your air within 48 hours of changing your old filter.

Electrostatic Advantage: Modern electrostatic technology draws pollutants to provide superior filtration while maintaining low resistance to air flow.

Sustainable Design: Made from recycled cardboard The BNX filters reduce environmental impact without sacrificing their performance.

The perfect fit for Your Home Comfort

The BNX air filter 20x20x1 will be the perfect size for most HVAC systems. It’s a simple and fast way to upgrade your home air filtration system. The BNX Filter is a far superior alternative to conventional fiberglass filters due to its superior performance.

Breathe Easy and Invest in Your Health

A good air filter, such as BNX, is a wise investment in your health and well-being. A cleaner air quality is more breathable, which means less allergies, improved respiratory functions, and a healthier living space.

Switching to BNX to ensure a healthy home is a simple process

Making the switch to an BNX air filter is easy. Replace the old filter with the BNX one by measuring it to be sure that it fits perfectly (20x20x1 in this example). Filter replacements are usually cheap and offer value over the long run. Buy 20x20x1 Air Filter Merv 13

Breathe comfortably, breathe green The BNX advantage

The BNX air filter delivers an unbeatable combination of high-performance filtration, energy efficiency, and a commitment to sustainability. With its ability to capture a wide range of contaminants in the air and improve the quality of air in your home It’s no wonder that the BNX filter is a smart choice for those who wish to make their home a healthier and more comfortable environment for their families. BNX will allow you to breathe more easily and aid in a cleaner and healthier environment.